The Editorial Board
Board Game Academics
March 1, 2025
A Critical Role: Academic Success Advisors Leveraging Tabletop Gaming, Gamification, and Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom for Academic Probation Students
Sean Milligan, Andrew Buchmann, David Runge
Orientalist Misadventures: An Examination of Cultural History and Expression within the Monk Class of Dungeons and Dragons
Katherine Dickey, Joshua Coslar
Critical Role’s Candela Obscura: World-Building to Build a Better World
Tori Smurthwaite
Deep Blue Sea: Board Games as a Framework for Computer Science
Stephen Hall
Roll Insight: Teaching Undergraduate Philosophy through TTRPGs
Archie Fields III
Can You Survive the Black Death?: Simulating Pandemic Disease and Its Impact in a College Classroom Game
Dr. Franklin Rausch, Mr. Jackson Bolt, Ms. Jessi Patton, Ms. Cassandra Rollins